The Department of Basic Education has published the updated academic calendar for Schools in South Africa. The new calendar includes the planned start dates for all grades during this COVID-19 season.
The Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga had previously announced that students in Grade 7 and 12 would be allowed to return on the 1st of June 2020.
In the latest directive – published on Friday 29th May, the Minister of Basic Education said that the return of students in other grades will be staggered, with some students returning from the 6th of July, while the last of the country’s learners are expected to return from the 3rd of August.
Angie Motshekga said only those that have complied with the minimum Health and Safety and social distancing measures on COVID-19 will be allowed to re-open.
The Minister said parents who choose not to send their children to school must apply to the head of department in terms of section 4 of the South African Schools Act. She added that these parents will be responsible for, and obliged to apply for home Education in terms of the same Act.
Other key points of the directive include:
• All events at schools – including sports and cultural activities have been suspended until designated by the Minister;
• The procedure to apply for a permit for learners who travel between Provinces, districts or Metropolitan areas;
• The May/June Matric examinations have been moved to November/December;
• The procedure for symptom screening at schools;
• Each Teacher must be provided with at least two masks and no learners may be allowed onto school premises without a mask;
• All schools must develop a workplace plan;
• The National Curriculum has been trimmed to make up for lost teaching times;
• Social distancing measures of 1.5 metres should be observed in every school;
• No parents may send learners to school if they have any symptoms of COVID-19;