Bra Gibbz Media – N'wamitwa Times

Why female entrepreneurs are needed now more than ever

Women shouldn’t draw back from leadership, especially during tough economic times like these. The post-COVID-economy is looking to be one where we are extremely focused on rebuilding, growth in addition…

The Difference Between Venda and Tsonga Explained!

If you have been maintaining with this news then you’ll realize the conflict between the VhaVenda and thus the VaTsonga people in Vuwani, Limpopo. This violent clash has escalated over…

65-Year old Grandfather to look in court for allegedly raping granddaughter

A 65-year old pensioner was arrested on 30 July 2020 at Mokgwathi village under Mokwakwaila policing area within the Mopani District for allegedly raping his granddaughter. it’s believed that neighbours’…

Beautiful Tsonga Baby Names

In Xitsonga, a name is a statement, instruction or a reminder to the individual, family, clan, ethnic group, and race; however, other names are honorary, symbolic and ancestral. We also…

Nick Nkuna is set to drop “A hearse in different colours!”

Nick Nkuna has spilled more juice on his much-anticipated book titled “A hearse in different colours”. The 22 years old Information Technology and Computer Science student at Capricorn College in…


Bra Gibbz Foundation is the project with a mission to instil our sense of self-love in others. Bra Gibbz Holdings (Pty) Ltd management came up with the idea to introduce…

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