Bra Gibbz Foundation is the project with a mission to instil our sense of self-love in others. We have started “Bra Gibbz Foundation” to assist people with Disabilities, Hospitals, Home Based Cares, Schools, Non – Profit Organizations, Etc.


  • For every Bra Gibbz Holdings project, 5% of it goes to this cause.
  • For every Bra Gibbz Media project, 5% of it goes to this cause.
  • For every BGMP Records project, 5% of it goes to this cause.


Bra Gibbz Foundation is both an opportunity and a benefit for community development. It has the capacity to create and encourage national ownership, gender equality, general participating and sustainability. It provides significant insights that will inform community development’s efforts by identifying the real needs of the community as perceived by the community members. Bra Gibbz Foundation will capture perceptions of need in interviews and visits to community centres. Bra Gibbz Foundation will engage community members of all ages and, using a number of community development tools, help facilitate a dialogue and create a plan of action.


Volunteerism can be defined as a powerful way of engaging people in dealing with challenges in communities, and it can change the rate and nature of development. Volunteerism benefits all party involved. Thus it is beneficial to both society at large and the individual volunteer who surrender their precious time and energy in order to make a difference in other peoples’ lives.

Our objective is to identify opportunities for change; and allow corporate staff members to become change agents in their neighbouring communities. Volunteerism plays an important role in development as it empowers individuals, organizations and communities to tackle poverty; take control over their own lives, and it fosters solidarity between people of different backgrounds, cultures and traditions.


Given the focus on early childhood development, Bra Gibbz Foundation conducted by Bra Gibbz Holdings Volunteers and its Divisions will focus on the system that influence Crèches, People with Disabilities, Hospitals, Home Based Cares, Schools, Non – Profit Organizations, Etc. in target areas. In the human life cycle the early childhood phase from birth to nine years is considered the most important phase for every human being. Giving children the best start in life means ensuring them good health, proper nutrition and early learning. The well being of children depends on the ability of families to function effectively. Children need a nurturing and secure family or home environment that can ensure their development, protection, survival and participation in family and social life.

From an environmental perspective, it means safe water, basic sanitation, and protection from violence, abuse, exploitation and discrimination. These imperatives work best together and lay a foundation for life. Ongoing contact with the community and access to learning tools is critical to the development of a child and has implications for individual – and community – level well being and development.

“Together we can make the world a better place for all”.

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